The time is drawing near for the long anticipated release of Comic #4 of The Super Newts. This is part 1 of 4 in the Blood Type Sangre series titled Feud By Blood. In this four part series Cool and Cute will discover and confront a vicious secret army led by the Dark Lord Sangre that has manifested themselves deep in the underworld of Amphibiland.
Lord Sangre is a ruthless Super-Villian that’s going to turn the beautiful city bloody with his army, UNLESS the Super Newts find a way to foil his plans.
Continuing right where the cliffhanger of Comic 3: Fangless Vampire left off, you will quickly discover the true identity of the mysterious fangless menace. Cormick has successfully triggered some of Cool and Cute’s old memories but this is just the beginning of what will be discovered.
Comic 4 and the following comics in the Blood Type Sangre Series are very dark and they will push the envelope with action, suspense, and crucial character development. Who is Sangre? What is Sangre? Who are the new characters? What are the Super Newts powers? These questions will be answered soon enough as you continue on the journey with The Super Newts.

Why so long for the release of comic 4? Many have been asking this question since the beginning of summer 2013.
To sum it all up, there were changes in writing, printing, and legal aspects of the project. Sometimes when you set out to accomplish a goal you run into bumps and setbacks, thats just the way things work. Everything looks to be back on track with the Newts as well as our other properties. Thank you to everyone who have made monetary donations to help us get to this point.
Whats Coming Up?!
The release of Comic #4 (ASAP)
Also we will be giving away autographed Super Newts comic 4 posters to the those who show up to our book signing for Dorse and Doose at the Twig Book Shop in San Antonio, TX – November 16 @10am
If you want to get caught up on the previous issues of the Super Newts please check them out in our GudStore or check our Calendar and see when we’ll be at a comic con or a book signing in your area.
We will leave you with some sneak peeks of the opening sequences from The Super Newts Comic#4 – Blood Type Sangre: Fued by Blood. Enjoy and ask any questions you want. Don’t forget to share. 🙂