Fall U Can Eat: The Reprise!

Fall U Can Eat: The Reprise! – Curry Goat and Gracko.
Fall U Can Eat  The Reprise - GudFit EntartainmentFall U Can Eat The Reprise - GudFit EntartainmentFall U Can Eat The Reprise - GudFit Entartainment

Fall season is back and so is that hungry little Curry Goat who’s ready to eat as many leaves as he can. It’s a very windy at the Stone’s Ranch  so Curry finds himself taking on an adventure while in pursuit of a blowing maple leaf snack. This year the journey begins far away from the well prepared Gracko who has thought ahead. Enjoy!  🙂

Story: Antonio & AJ Moore

More from The Adventures of Dorse and Doose Show, WebComics including the original Fall U Can Eat here.

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