So today was the big day for the reading of Dorse and Doose to the children at San Antonio College Early Childhood Center, and all I can say is that it was an exciting experience.
At first I wasn’t sure of how the kids would respond to the story and to a new person reading to them because they are pre-schoolers and kinder age groups. All of my thoughts were laid to rest when I saw their faces light up at the sight of Dorse’s smiling face on the banner that we had on display. The children seemed to get a kick out of the characters, especially Dorse and Curry Goat. It was an honor to be part of their book reading experience that they can take with them throughout their lives. San Antonio College has such a great facility and programs for the children and the students. I was accompanied by 2 interpreters for the hearing impaired, so they looked as thought they were having a good time as well.
As you can see from the pictures above, I had most of the kids attention throughout the reading or should I say ‘para-phrased’ reading with added sound effects and interaction. Keys to victory when keeping young children interested is being very animated, having fun, and have something they can all do with you like bark like dogs. Yes indeed, we were all mimicking the characters in the book, Dorse makes the horse sound, Doose was barking,Raffles was meowing, and Curry was bahhing. You know, ‘bahhing’ is that sound that goats make. 😀 So you can say that we were a musical bunch as well, so there were plenty of laughing involved. I thought it was really cute that some of the kids thought Doose was a bunny because he has big ears that stick up.
I read to three different classes this morning and come to find out that many of them like APPLES just like Dorse, and a few of them preferred bananas as well. Hearing them laugh at the clever antics of Curry Goat and the sassy jokes by Raffles made me feel good. It is such a joy to make children smile and laugh, so in that regard the book is a success. Last but not least, all the kids were given a coloring page so that they can make some art also to share with their friends, family, and pets. Seeing those young adorable faces smiling and hanging on almost every word I said was an experience so great that there aren’t words that can truly describe it. I really hope that the children had a great time with Dorse, Doose and the other friends at the Stone’s Ranch, it is a morning that I will never forget. Thanks again to Judy in SAC student life and Claudia at the Early Childhood Center for giving us the opportunity to share one of our many stories with the children. 🙂
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